Saturday, August 22, 2015

Textbooks, Packing, and Goodbyes

College, in theory, is wonderful. I love the idea of setting up my own room with decorations and picking out the perfect color scheme that doesn't have to match the blue walls that came with my current house eight years ago. I can't wait to go get meals with my roommate or spend our nights in, watching Parks&Rec and eating goldfish.

The truth, though, is that there's a lot before those really fun things. I've been saying goodbye to my friends for a solid two weeks now, and it never gets easier. It's just one heart-wrenching hug after another and the same promise to stay in touch. I know that we're all going on to great things and that we'll be home before we know it for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It still sucks, though. This is the part no one tells you about, because as quickly as it happens, it's over. I know, in a week, I'll be at school and things will be so great. Right now, though, it feels like my heart is collapsing in on itself each time I think about not seeing my friends for three months.

I'll be fine, obviously. We always are.

Between the hugs and crying, I still have to function and move towards this college thing. I have to order textbooks that cost approximately way too much. I've finally packed all of my dorm stuff up into nice containers and finished printing out photos for all of the frames I've painted to cover up the thrift store paint jobs. I'm not sure if I have too much stuff or not enough, but I'm pretty happy with everything I'm taking (which includes a fridge with a mini freezer for UD's campus-made ice cream)

So, college, in actuality, is bittersweet. As excited as I am to go, I still want to stay right here where everything is familiar. In honor of my dorm decor and my fantastic friends, here's the collage I'll be using as decoration for the back of my desk.

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